
Breakfast Is the first meal of the day usually eaten in the morning. The word in English refers to breaking the fasting period of the previous night.

Did you know?

Full English Breakfast

Is one of the most famous dishes which consists of bacon, fried egg, sausage, mushrooms, potatoes, baked beans, toast, and grilled tomatoes

Lumberjack Breakfast

Lumberjack Breakfast

It is based on the reality of the strenuous physical work of 19th and 20th century loggers. In order of essentiality, it is flapjacks, bacon and/or sausage, eggs, potatoes, and toast. While it has been a source of controversy where this lumberjack meal came from, the most cited source is that it was first served in a Vancouver hotel, in 1870.

What was the first breakfast in history?

The first record of a daily morning meal comes from Ancient Egypt. Peasants would consume beer, bread, and onions in the morning before going to work. It was typically a heavy meal as they would not eat again until the end of the day.

What is Canada breakfast called?

Traditional Canadian breakfast foods include pork sausages, bacon, maple-cured bacon, fried potatoes, maple-infused beans, eggs, toast, cereals, pancakes (or French toast) and maple syrup, or hot oatmeal.