Apple Notes: Using Folders Tips

Here is one of the many Apple Notes functions that I found very useful and wanted to share.

Create New Folders

  • Open Apple notes app.
  • In the Folders list, tap the New Folder button No alt supplied for Image.
  • Type in folder name as shown above.
  • Tap on Done shown in top right hand corner to create the new folder.

Move Apple Notes into Folders

  • Tap on note you want to move to a folder.
  • Tap Move option as shown above.
  • Tap the folder šŸ“ you want to move the note to.

Create a Smart Folder 

Folders are a great way to organize your notes into categories like work or personal projects. Smart Folders act like filters to gather your tagged notes. Your notes remain in the original folder you created them in ā€“ your Smart Folders are a just powerful way to quickly access and organize your notes. You can use Smart Folders as an easy way to find notes that you want to reference regularly ā€” like journal entries, recipes, or work documents.

To create a Smart Folder:

  1. Tap the NewĀ Folder button.
  2. Enter a name for your folder, then tap Make Into Smart Folder.
  3. Choose the filters you want to use to automatically selects notes for your Smart Folder, then tap Done. You can choose filters based on tags, when a note was created, when a note was last edited, and more.
  4. Tap Done again to create your Smart Folder.

You can also create a Smart Folder from the Tags browser. Just tap the tag, then tap theĀ More button, tap Create Smart Folder, add a name, and tap Done.

Convert a folder to a Smart Folder

To convert an existing folder to a Smart Folder:

  1. When viewing the folder you want to convert, tap theĀ More button.
  2. Scroll down and tap Convert to Smart Folder.

When you convert a folder, its notes are moved to the Notes folder and tagged with the name of the Smart Folder. Keep in mind, you canā€™t convert shared folders, a folder with a subfolder, or a folder that contains locked notes.

When you convert a folder to a Smart Folder, it can’t be undone. If you no longer want the Smart Folder, you need to delete it.